Re: What the???
For starters, I suggest you also post this in the
parasites RX forum.
Other information you might include would be weight changes, color of stool, and any other health issues.
You really need to get your bowels moving, and I'm sure you know this. The first thing I would do is to take 2 to 2-1/2 tablespoons of castor oil thoroughly mixed with approx. 2
oz. of warmed milk or grapefruit juice. I like to take it first thing in the morning before food. It's ok to have coffee or other liquid first. You will miss breakfast, but not lunch. This should clean the bowels and remove a lot of mucus.
Then I would do a few coffee enemas. You can find information on this in many places.
Your photo MIGHT be rope worms. I can't say for certain.
You should not expect much help from the medical establishment if you have parasites. Liver cysts indicate
parasites to me. Hopefully, other posters will make suggestions. My advise is based on my personal experience and you must realize I am not a doctor.