Much has transpired in the last few weeks, which I will get to later.
Somewhere along my reading I seem to remember a mention that Iodine has anti-oxidant properties... This seems to contradict what is known to be true about the oxidative process necessary to break Iodide bonds, as well as the observable oxidative damage Iodine causes to skin and metals that rust.
Perhaps Iodine has antioxidant properties that negate the oxidative reaction required to break Iodide bonds. This article at PubMed suggests that iodine deficiency contributes to oxidative stress.
While I don't fully understand the terminology used in this study, which came up in a search for 'iodine antioxidant,' I do understand its conclusion "that the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficient Disorders recommend that iodine intake be increased to at least 3 mg/day of I2 [me: bound iodide] in specific pathologies to obtain the potential extrathyroidal benefits."