Lisa's Journey
Thought I'd start a thread to document my story. I consider it my good fortune to have found an
Iodine Literate Practitioner before I knew anything about iodine.
I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Adrenal Insufficiency, with a history of irritable bowel, preeclampsia (toxemia), tapeworm, a mystery illness that left me breathless for 10 months, and a shattered ankle that required a steel plate and 11 titanium screws to repair it. For all I know, the time I had multiple stings from a nest of wasps contributed to my current condition!
Books I own that I think are relevant to this forum include Lynn Farrow's 'The
Iodine Crisis,' Dr Brownstein's 'Overcoming Thyroid Disorders,' and Dr Wilson's 'Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome."
I will add bits of my story in additional posts.