Latest stomach is flatter than it has been since I don't know when. Pain today and urgent trips to the toilet and then an inreasingly flat stomach. Pain was dull but distinctive. I felt very agitated and Restless right before the need to eliminate so I think it was churning up things. It was very very uncomfortable.
However I no longer feel a swollen water balloon when i press my gut. There was the feeling of a sac or pocket of something on my left side and now it is gone. I have not had this progress with Oxypowder or the intestinal formula. I am up to ten drops of carnivora a day. I think it is getting rid of the parasites that were causing an obstruction which i felt as a bulge. So nice not to have to worry about not fitting my clothes comfortably. Also there is a big sense of relief in my body in general. The gut pain i was feeling is now gone. this is the best progress so far.