It's A Worm, Not Mites - Specimens of All Stages.
I was infested with what I thought was mites six years ago. I have reduced the infestation to a few spots on the top of my feet. Recently I developed what I thought was a wart on my left hand. I treated it with Wartkill. When I took the top layer off, there were white specks inside the wound.
After putting DEC cream on, I looked at it sideways in the light and the specks had protruded from the wound. I removed one with tweezers and have included a photo of it x200 magnification.
I only got three specimens that looked like an adult stage. There were heaps of eggs inside the wound, which rose to the surface daily and I was able to remove them.
There were smaller larvae which are shaped like an oblong with no tail. There were even smaller stages of what I think are pupae and are an oval shape.
I have not been able to get an ID yet but am in touch with the state Veterinary University. I got my infestation on the patio of a filthy house which had an untreated dog living there. Apparently I was sitting on the chair the dog slept on. The dog died shortly afterwards of a sudden heart attack after barking at another dog.
I am thinking this is Hookworm. It hurts like hell to pull them out and they are attached really strongly and then suddenly let go.
I have removed at least 50 eggs, 3 adults, 100 larvae and at least 20 pupae from the one wound on my hand which is approximately one centrimetre across.
The wound is extremely painful.
PS I am on Allwormer and Ivermectin at present and have a new regime set up which includes Alben.
Any opinons on species are welcomed. All of the meds I have taken in the past dont seem able to penetrate these cyst like structures. It confirms what I have always felt, that they are protected inside nests.