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First timer - need help identifying a fluke?

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Remove Parasites and Worms
Get rid of the life suckers!

texas2wheeler Views: 581
Published: 9 y

First timer - need help identifying a fluke?

Hello everyone. I would just like to thank everyone for all the help I have received from curezone. I have been suffering from what seems to be asthma for the past 3-4 years after a really serious respiratory infection. From then I have been on 2 inhalers, one being dulera. So just recently I decided I needed to combat this problem once and for all. I am now vegan and I had also quite drinking alcohol. The symptoms seem to have gotten better, but still there. Then the stringy mucus became more apparent that it may be something else. So I somehow stumbled upon here. So after finding out that my symptoms are parasite related, I decided to do Dr. Clarks parasite cleanse. Let me just say that I am highly infested with multiples groups of parasites.

3 weeks on Dr. Clarks formula, but different dosage:

3 tsp Black-Walnut hull - 3 times a day
4 Wormwood blend - 3 times a day
4 cloves - 3 times a day

By the way, I had horrible die off.

And I remember someone posting that diet is the key to it. So I cut out carbs from the diet. I was never much a Sugar consumer. But also I did not have caffeine and only drank water.

I have lots of pictures, when I get a chance I will time log them and share them.

After finding out that I have tons of fluke and ascaris, and maybe tape, I decided to go on the albendazole and Praz. But before I did, two nights before I started the dosage, I took 4g of MSM and 6g of Vitamin C, 4g CoQ10 and went to sleep.

I could feel my stomach feeling like a battle ground all night but still manage to get some rest. The next morning, this came out:



Has anyone seen this before? It is about 5 inches lenght, 2 inches wide. It is thick as well.

3 hours later I let out a farm of them. All different size and shape but the same kind. Also a lot of red liver flukes, some ascaris.

Ever sense I started the albendazole and praz, 3 day praz and Im still on albendazole 5th day. I have not seen any more flukes besides the first 3 days while on Praz. So I am going to start another dosage of it in a few days.

I forgot to mention that my asthma symptoms are so much better now. I sleep better at night. More energy during the day. But i am still hacking this stuff out of my lungs. I will add Colloidal Silver to a nebulizer to further the treatment to kill these suckers.

But if someone can identify this slug, it will save me some nightmares.



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