Symptoms of Dysbiosis & Leaky Gut
you wrote:
"Do I have candida., gut dysbiosis
People have chronic Candida, dysbiosis, leaky gut but they don't have peeling lips.
I am intolerant to all grains , lips get swell after eating grains . Discovered this fact after 3+ years."
Almost any modern human who is intolerant or allergic to some foods, most likely have some form of dysbiosis (dysbiosis = subperfect microbiome = damaged microbiome = imbalanced microbiome = gut flora that has been permanently changed due to the fact that some species that are suppose to be there have been killed by medicine), and some form of leaky gut (leaky gut = intestinal permeability abnormally high, which is usually caused by dysbiosis that lasts longer than few days, in other words chronic dysbiosis that often happens after use of
Antibiotics )
Both dysbiosis and leaky gut are caused by vaccines and
Antibiotics , sometimes even
Antibiotics you may have taken 20 years ago, or antibiotics your mother may have taken before you were born.
Many other prescription medications can cause dysbiosis and leaky gut, but wide spectrum antibiotics are on top of the list (both by how harmful they are to the gut and liver, and also how many people have taken them ), often followed by artificial hormones (used by 40% of women as contraception and by 20% of men as treatment ), accutane (not as common), and hundreds of other medications.
Vaccines are the other problem. Most modern humans are vaccinated. many vaccines have negative effect on intestines.
Those people whos intestines and liver have been damaged by prescription drugs, and who have developed dysbiosis and leaky gut may end up with widest possible range of diseases and symptoms.
Here is a short list of (very common in modern time, but very rare 100 years ago ) health problems directly caused by dysbiosis and leaky gut or problems where dysbiosis and leaky gut are just one of several important cofactors:
- acne
- allergies
- food intolerance
- most autoimmune diseases
- ulcerative colitis
- crohn's disease
- celiac disease
- menstrual problems
- mental health problems
- depression
- anxiety
- schizophrenia
- bipolar disorder
- hormonal problems and hormonal imbalances
- eczema, including but not limiting to atopic, pompholyx,
Seborrheic Dermatitis , etc)
- exfoliative cheilitis
- bad
Body Odor
- most forms of cancer, especially intestinal cancers, cancers of liver, pancreas, reproductive organs, skin cancers
Rheumatoid Arthritis
- osteoarthritis
- many of the heart diseases
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
- lupus
- folliculitis
- multiple sclerosis
- parkinsons
- alzheimer
- autism spectrum
There are probably at least 100 health problems directly caused by leaky gut and dysbiosis, which are directly caused by vaccines, antibiotics, and other prescription medications.
What health problem you will develop following leaky gut and dysbiosis depends on your genetics, form of dysbiosis, medications you have taken, environment, medical history, diet, air you breath, water you drink, stress, etc ...
For example:
You got EC following leaky gut and dysbiosis.
Someone else got Acne.
Someone else got Eczema.
Someone else got Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's Disease.
Someone else got all 4 of those .
Different health problems following the same underlying problem, damaged gut.
You wrote:
"I am eating banana ,it is causing thrush in throat ,or slight difficultly. This thrush goes when I stop eating banana. I also have thrush between upper lip and teeth some times in the morning."
Health Rule no 1 !
Always listen to your body.
Your body is telling you that right now banana is not good for you.
It may change 1 year later, but today, listen to your body and eliminate banana.
"I was reading testimonials of
Iodine treating candida very easily, very hopeful for us."
Be very careful when taking supplements.
many people have caused permanent damage to their health by taking mega doses of strong supplements.
If possible, always get all nutrients from food.
If not possible, be careful.
Many health gurus have been seriously harmed by taking megadoses of micronutrients like iodine, selenium, vitamin D etc.
Animal liver is a fantastic source of most micronutrients, including iodine, selenium, vitamin A,B,D, and also Zinc.
I personally am against use of any pills, even supplements, and have far more faith in natural foods.
Overdosing on Iodine:
Gary Null poisoned by vitamin D:
Animal liver as a food has been around for millions of years.
Pills sold today have been for sale max 10 years.
Who would you trust your health more to ?
Something that has been around for millions of years, or something that has been around for 3 years ?