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End of Day 2 - How'd my buddies do?
dezel Views: 1,268
Published: 20 y

End of Day 2 - How'd my buddies do?

Hey there,
Today is the end of day 2. I'll do one more glass of lemonade, some water and the smooth move tea, then go to bed early. It's amazing how you can make time for things like sleep when you're not busy cooking and eating dinner! :-) Last night I went to bed about 2 hours earlier than usual and slept like a champ! I'm hoping for the same thing tonight.

I ended Day 1 with a pretty bad headache, but didn't wake up with it. Day 2 has been the usual hunger, which has been easily squashed by more lemonade. Pictures of food are very appealing to me still, but I am pleased to say that I haven't been severely tempted. Even when feeding my baby his meals, I don't do the tasting that typically comes with just being in the kitchen (one cheerio for him, one for me).

I'm hoping that this will be an uneventful fast, and that I'll just drop a few pounds (is 10 asking for too much in a 10 day fast??), and squash these cravings for bad food. In doing that, I expect that I'll regain some energy and sleep better.

How is it going with everyone else?? How was your day 2? Any detox symptoms?



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