Re: SilverLungs Generator
This is just it IMO. Testing in a petri dish and showing that ionic silver is faster and more effective than elemental silver ie MesoSilver has been done. Using HCl with both showing that ionic silver was faster at killing pathogens however this does not take into account the ionization of elemental silver and it's more prolonged action inside the body. Ionic silver is the active component and Elemental silver needs to be ionized which takes time which is what makes it slower. The reviewers use this as "evidence" that ionic is the most effective, probably to support ionic silver generator makers.
My experiences of elemental particulate CS has been fairly effective when used in the stomach, considerably better than ionic silver which took considerably larger amounts and the effect did not last long. Whereas the elemental Particulate CS lasted for hours. However that was only comparing one brand of each of Elemental vs ionic.
I think that I might of come across the research that the SilverTron guy used to come to his opinions on ionic silver and it's dangers. I have mislaid the link somewhere as I have 750 tabs open ATM. lol When I have more time I will look for it.
I do not have time now as I am attempting to get the parts to build a basic generator so that I do not need to keep buying the stuff and I am close to being out of CS. So far it has not been 100% effective so I do not even know whether the bacteria responsible are vulnerable to silver. Elemental silver did eliminate part of biofilm and infection is still active. Several others have not been affected at all!
BTW grizz, you do not seem to have the plans for that more advanced DIY CS generator in your docs unless I missed it. The link I did provide
I have put some questions to him which I need an answer to before I begin building that one as it will take time and money to build. Unless the current can be set low then I will not bother. He did mention that the current was limited to 10mA max and there is a knob to control the speed which I assume means current but I do need some confirmation on that and the lowest settable current. It's fairly decent but only if it allows the current to be limited sufficiently. ATM I do not know whether it can do that.
Until some progress is made with that I intend using a CRD, or multiple CRDs with a switch. Longer 12 gauge wire seems the best/cheapest and make some longer bent leads to increase the surface area. That way I get more for less. I intend reusing the silver if I make the more advanced generator.
BTW Steve is your expert grizz, he is not mine as I do not accept him. Anyone can write a book, it means nothing IMO.