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Re: Parasite. Treated 4 times by doc. Help!
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Re: Parasite. Treated 4 times by doc. Help!

Roundworms lay an unbelievable amount of eggs all day and night long. Once you start cleansing, they feel threatened and they multiply even faster so you need to keep up constantly for months, even after you dont see them anymore.
Night sweats are a sign of them laying eggs so you need to take something for that at least twice a day. As many others, i use papain powder natural enzyme in pure unsweetened cranberry juice, say 2 heaping teaspoons a day for the eggs. Fresh pineapple every day helps too. Ivermectin is good too, daily for a while. Albendazole is a good drug for a few things, but it does not clear the infection. You need only 200mg per day, so one pill, in the evening eaten with some fat. You need to take it for months for it to start doing something. Any higher dose is a waste of money and your liver. You can also try to take 200mg of mebendazole per day too, evening, with some fat. Fenbendazole does also really well with roundworms, again, low dose better to start with, 5 or 2,5mg/kg per day, evening, with some fat. You can take this combination for a month, but with fenben you need a break in between. You need to kill all stages at once to get rid of them successfully. Drinking 2 glasses of pure cranberry juice per day with the papain will help flush bacterias that are carried around by worms and can cause UTIs. It is really important to detox in the meantime, away from meds, with things that pull toxins out of liver, kidney, intestines and blood and lymph. Accumulated toxins are more dangerous than worms. They need to be flushed out daily. You can use spirulina, activated H2, l carnitine and other amino acids (not constantly though), do Liver Flushes with magnesium sulfate, take choline, taurine, vit B50 (especially if urine loses its colour), dodder seed capsules for lymph flush, KGP flush for your kidney, 1 dropper per day. Msm water daily max 4 glasses, 1 teaspoon p glass.Try to stay off simple carbs and sugars. Eat alkalizing foods and use distilled water to pull out toxins when you have die off. Supplement minerals and vitamin c (2-5mg) daily. I am now doing daily enemas with warm slightly salted water as i see they do hide in lower colon away from meds and it helps tremendously. I think albendazole on ebay is cheaper so you can try to find a bigger amount for less money. It is not the miracle drug though. For sinuses papaya seeds might help, but you must take them with piperazine otherwise worms go crazy. You can get the natural piperazine from barlowes and it is called xanthoparmelia scabrosa. Otherwise you can do inhalations with some oils that help kill eggs, tea tree, cedar.
Doxy works on bacterias that are carried around by worms, and also on worm types that carry bacteria within themselves. You can try on a low dose and see if it helps. I think some natural anti bacterials could also work.


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