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Parasite. Treated 4 times by doc. Help!
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Parasite. Treated 4 times by doc. Help!

Please help. Female. Late twenties. Started oxy powder on week 2. Seeing good results. Have been apprehensive to begin a herbal parasite cleanse as I am waiting on blood work and stool sample results (with fixative) to come back. This all started when I got a stray cat. She threw up worms. Next day I had BM with identical looking worms. Long, dental floss. Flat. No rectal itching. Doctor says cannot catch from cat. I don't believe him. I really believe I have the same type. They looked identical. BUT I also was served raw salmon and they took the plate back, returned cooked salmon on same plate with my same sides. I ate it with same untensils I used to cut open the raw salmon. You live you learn. However, I was having symptoms before the salmon I believe. 30 lb weight loss 2 months. I'm 95 lbs now. This is getting ridiculous. Can you believe my doctor didn't even do blood work until I begged him last week!!? I have had constant tooth issues lately and allergies. 4 dentists say same thing. "Your sinuses are a mess". Recently started blowing long stringy looking worms out of my nose. Itchy ears. Worsens with showers and at night. Definitely at night. Never had allergies before for years. Doctors and dentists all say same thing, "worms cannot travel to sinuses." I beg to differ! I will get congested for 30 minutes. Itchy throat. Throat swells. Drainage. Ears clogged. Goes down. Eye problems started. Went to eye doctor. Eyes checked, fine. Go to urgent care for ears. Ears checked, "fine. It's allergies." Gives me antibacterial ear drops with steroid. Does not help. Oxy powder started 2 weeks ago. Great results. Passing tons of eggs. But also experiencing sweats again. Moodiness is unbearable. No period. Unable to deal with stress. Feel as if adrenals are thrown off. I take milk thistle and a probiotic with my oxy powder. Even better results. More eggs. Less worms. More worms. Now less worms. Seems to be cleaning me out. But the sweats, could it be die off? Eating tons of pumpkin seeds. Alternating between husks on and handfuls of seeded pumpkin seeds as the seeds can cause constipation. Also, the fats in pumpkin seeds are what kills the eggs. Trying to steer clear of sugars. German bakery gets the best of me some morning. Changing eating habits. More veggies. Less meats (scared of it now!). Salads. Ruff age. Multi vitamin. B12 sublingual . Coq10. Swanson cod liver oil lemon flavored. Have to take cranberry and d mannitol right now because with all these BM I am prone to UTI. I split my vitamins up. When I eat, I'll take one or two. It's usually what I feel my body needs but I take most consistently. Not to overwhelm. Began lymphatic exercises. Deep breathing. Exercising. Skin brushing. Massage. Switched to natural deodorant to allow sweating and not put harsh metals in my body like aluminum. After 3 rounds of albenZa. It works for like a week and it SO HARD ON YOUR BODY. I noticed dark hair growing on my hands and jawline after, not sure if it was from the full work infestation or the side effects from meds. Oxy powder has really helped clear my face. Seems to expel toxins. The first albenZa treatment made my head feel like it was about to explode. Expelled lots of worms. Felt horrible! Started doing intense research. Learned what a herx reaction was. That's why I bought oxy powder. Helped tremendously. But oh my. Do not take albenZa if you are backed up! Worms had me constipated for 3 weeks. Finally got some relief from albenZa and mag citrate. Repeated albenZa 5 days later to kill eggs. Night sweats started a week later. Tried albenZa again. Third time. Same thing. These meds don't do much. They kill a lot on hand but not enough blood serum concentration to make a big difference and are so harsh on your liver you cannot take them for prolonged periods of time. People that say they take albenZa for 30 days, how? Also did a round of Flagyl. Hard on body. Felt no response. Doc said it was a gram negative antibiotic and will penetrate worm cell walls. Nothing good came from it in my opinion. My game plan: 1. Continue oxy powder. 2. Listen to doctor 3. Start herbal cleanse. 4. Finish with liver cleanse after all is said and done and do them quarterly. 5. Continue to eat all the foods they hate. I've studied parasitology. It is, as the name incenuates, a parasite. I can beat this with perseverance and a healthy diet and supplemental approach. There is no quick fix. I have gotten passed the mental breakdown stage of finding out I have worms. Now it's about eating right, building my immune system, attacking theirs with foods they hate, sticking to a supplement regimen, exercising, and CLEANLINESS. My boyfriend agreed to start an herbal cleanse with me (he began oxy powder as well). We change the sheets/comforter about every 2-3 days. I mop the floors multiple times per week. Vacuum the floors (we have hardwood) before so you're not simply smearing eggs around. Then mop. I do try for all natural products that work if possible to avoid breathing too many chemicals. Spray bathroom counter every time I am in there. Wash hands religiously. Spray door knobs with alcohol. Sanitize sanitize sanitize! Borax as detergent as well. Wear a mask when going to the bathroom. Put the lid down before flushing. Wear a mask while cleaning, and gloves of course (try to get the high gloves). And often I will even wear two masks just to be safe! Breathing these chemicals is not good and we all know breathing and ingesting an egg is even worse! Add tea tree oil into an essential oil diffuser. Works an antibacterial for sinuses. Hey, what can it hurt? Questions: - When should I start an herbal cleanse? - Do you all believe diatomaceous earth is bad for humans to take? - Am I missing any bases in trying to get rid of these things? - Why the teeth and come/go throat swell/allergy problems. Lymph nodes swollen. Immune response rxn? - HOW DOES ONE FEEL ABOUT DOXYCYCLINE AS A MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR WORMS? Less widely used, very effective I've seen. - I am scared that I am just getting worse waiting on my doctor while he is Lollygagging around and I am losing my mind blowing worms out that they say I'm not. Spending $2000 (including a root canal that now seems to have been a healthy tooth!) on a dentist work I didn't even need. I mean it's nuts! I feel I am losing valuable time and to keep the eggs from hatching I just keep munching on these pumpkin seeds and garlic stuffed olives with Jalapanoes. I mean. Wtf if my doc read this post maybe he'd feel my agony. Probably not. Am I the only one who has gone this far and beyond to rid myself and my loved one of these. I refuse to give up! I will not be a host to an unwelcome parasite!


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