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Is Heavy Metal Toxicity the Reason You Can't Get Rid of Candida?
Sazy123 Views: 2,449
Published: 9 y
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Is Heavy Metal Toxicity the Reason You Can't Get Rid of Candida?

I had systemic candida for 10 years, i am cured now! I can eat as much Sugar as i like and it doesnt come back (not that i do, becuase i maintain a healthy diet). When i had it I tried EVERYTHING, including a strict anti-candida diet, antifungals, high strengh probiotics etc etc. I had chronic vaginal yeast infecton for two years that i couldnt get rid of and just came straight back after using douches or fluconazole (which i was on for 4 months).

When i removed the underlying cause of my candida- HEAVY METALS. My candida died off on its own! I didnt need to use anti fungals or anything, my body just took over and got rid of it. Candida is just a symptom of heavy metal toxicity.

Oh parasites also died off on their own as well. I see dead parasites in the toilet daily, not taking anything anti- parasite herbs, my body is getting rid of them its self.

You can read my story on my blog here:


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