Interesting that you brought up Cassar.
I have had a good vibe about him for many years. He is quite a pionering hermit. A unique soul it seems.
I have actually had wishes for a long time to just "move shop" down there and try to live a lifestyle like he does. It seems like one of the best ways to thrive in this crazy polluted world right now. I would love to hook up with him.
Many times I have had those easy boiled down distilled thoughts, that perhaps taking a "jesus fast" for like 40 days on just liquids/water, and the snakes and creatures within just dies and consumes/eats itself with lack of supplies. Cassar states that all the people he see that does that, get some sort of major relief from parasites etc.
Perhaps in the not so distant future we could team up and go down there and just give the "adventure" a try. I bet if you go down there it would be big odds for you not wanting to return home again for a long time. :-)