Malaria and Crystals discovery
"The entire device is about the size of a smartphone. It works by passing malaria-infected blood in a very thin layer, as thin as a piece of human hair, over a very carefully designed array of magnets and ferromagnetic wires, which separates the malaria-infected cells from the healthy cells, thanks to the fact that malaria makes red blood cells magnetic."
“The parasite enters a red blood cell by coating itself in the cell’s membrane to keep it protected,” she explains. “It wants to eat the proteins from the cell, but there’s iron mixed up in there too which is toxic to the parasite. So it takes the iron in and then spits it out as a crystal. But the crystal is actually a more magnetic form of iron—a magnetic particle called magnetite.” Once the blood is separated, the infected blood can be filtered out while the clean blood is cycled back into the body.
So this reveals several things for me:
1. My severe EMF sensitivity which I have pin pointed is related to Malaria like infections, and specially when I am close to strong "dirty" magnetic fields, my body gets very irritated. Make sense if much of my blood is filled up with this crystalized magnetized by product. A ND also looked at my blood in a dark field microscope and said he saw very large amount of un-identified crystal like things. Of course morgellons and other crystaline bugs could be in the mix, but the EMF sensitivity goes proportial down with Malaria treatment.
2. Makes me think that one of the key factors here also would be the Iron thing. So Black tea and citric acid of course for the rust or non bio available , but how would IP6 work on this, would it help stop the cycle of making more "magnetized crystaline" iron? Any other ways to stop this cycle, so my body can start building clean blood again, and actually finally increase my blood Qi with the Qi Gong and Chinese Jing herbs I am consuming? Not easy if the nfection keeps its toll and stops the momentum.
3. Just the fact that there is a possible way to separate the healthy red blood cells to the sick ones via magnetic fields are interesting. I have contact with the developer, but she said it would take time to get a prototype to work. So my Mcguyver brain is already started to think how one could hack this solution and try to make a way to flip the sick blood cells with magnetic fields to just neutralize the whole Malaria infection etc. I WOULD LOVE INPUT AND TIPS! :-)