Re: Hey pepe...
The biggest thing that folks need to understand and come to terms with is that none of the cleanses on this site cure anything. They are simply tool that help you get rid of the acculated toxins on the system to uburden the body so the body can heal itself.
Some of these protocols will "relieve" the symptoms of many maladies but that will only be temporary. If you keep ingesting and putting back in the junk that cause it to begin with you will keep having the same problems over and over. Bottom line is that he can drink all the sea salt and ACV in the universe but if he does not change his eating and lifestyle habits he will continue to have problems no matter what he does. Tain't rocket science just plain ole common sense.
All that being said from what I have read in this froum over the last 3 years many folks have gotten relief from sinus issues with the MC. That will only be temporary unless one changes the old eating and habit paterns. All these cleanses do is cleanse out the accumulated junk so the body can operate more efficiently. When the body is not burdened by all these toxins it will revert to it's natural state of health and true "healing will occur. Nothing will be cured it you keep putting the same stuff that caused it back in.
There is absolultly nothing in the human body that works independent of anything else so one must look and address all maladies from the prescpective of total health. It is the only sure way to affect any permanent cures irregardless of the malady.