Does anyone else think it's a bit sick the number of candida supplements out here that you take and believe all the hype then then 2 months later you realise the person selling it to you was full of shit and your more ill again? Like how sad are these people lives that they even think about selling something to someone who have been ill for months / years that they must know does not work because people must write back to them saying it's made me more ill. I've been on here for about 10 years and have slowly got more well but there been so many wrong paths I gone down.
For example taking anything with FOS or GOS makes me worse.
I know found this
And I have taken 20 a day for three days. But really is this just more internet hype? Seems very unlikely no one on here taking that much about it?
I have by the way found soil bacteria pharma assist helpful ! And been taking that with cp1 normal good bacteria with no prebiotics . But I sort of believed the hype above and started knocking it back and now three days in I'm thinking maybe it's all shit agsin? I can't find much about the candida foundation they talk about. The products been around for a few years why would people not be ranting about how good it is?