there are no shortcuts to a place worth going.
There are no shortcuts to health.
People buying supplements believe supplements are shortcuts to health. There are no real shortcuts to health.
Food you eat everyday is far more important than supplements.
Physical exercise, positive thinking, joy in life .... that is what makes you healthy.
I am yet to meet a person who is still using today the exact same supplements she/he was using 5 or 10 years ago, even she/he was trying to convince me how those supplements 5 or 10 years ago are fantastic, and the best thing you can do for your own health.
The same people have changed at least 5 other supplements during the last 5 or 10 years.
Waste of money, I believe.
The only people who recovered their poor health and are still healthy today are those who really take care of what they eat, how they live , they stay active, they live in a fresh air, positive thinking, joy in life, sun in life, ...
Supplements are mostly placebo, 50 - 90%, maybe 5-10% real positive effect beyond your own belief.
Once people stop believing in a supplement they are taking daily, they very often figure out it has no effect, and they usually quit taking it.
In the end, it is all business as usual, someone is trying to make money, and someone else is trying to spend money in hope that money spent will have some positive effect.
The best spent money is money you can spend on a high quality fresh food, like fresh wild fish, fresh wild shrimps, fresh wild berries, fresh nuts etc...
Those foods contain everything your body needs.
And, if you can minimize or eliminate foods you are unable to tolerate, it will have far stronger effect on your health than any supplement you will ever take.
Liver Flushing is one "supplement" people take today, even 20 or 30 years later since they tried it the first time.
Water fasting is one "supplement" people take today, even 20 or 30 years later since they tried it the first time.
Juice fasting is one "supplement" people take today, even 20 or 30 years later since they tried it the first time.
Coconut fasting is one "supplement" people take today, even 20 or 30 years later since they tried it the first time.
These are real "shortcuts" to health, if you can at all call it "shortcuts".
And, those "shortcuts" don't really cost money, especially
Water Fasting is the cheapest shortcut to health.