Seeking information about other women with IUDs
Hello, I found your forum and felt like I was reading about my own life. I had the mireana after my first born in 2015 with no serious issues other than some back pain I attributed to child birth and lack of intimacy that I also linked to child birth and the change a women goes through after becoming a mother. I assumed it was because my body changed into being a mother and caregiver to the child and not a young newlywed exploring all aspects of intimacy.
In August of 2014 I had it removed to try for a second child and was very fortunate to convince shortly after having it removed. After the birth of my daughter I had another IUD put in and thought I was just fine.
I was a married women of 27 with a 4 year old and newborn and felt like I was a zombie. I was so tired but I attributed it to not sleeping well and caring for 2 children.
5 months later I was stil tired and extreemly stressed and had huge mood swings. I thought that my current anti depressant at the time wasn't working well. I had had
Depression and anxiety since 6th grade but had it well under control. I was at one point having a panic attack about wether or not I till loved my husband. November of 2015 i needed professional psychiatric help as I became so unbelievably depressed. I spent 2 days in a mental hospital thinking I was crazy and had thoughts of suicide. The next two months were complete hell. I changed anti depressants numerous times and was on a high dose of it along with anxiety meds. I finally changed mchaig stressors in life and went back to work and that helped but I still felt off and not right and continued to be so unbelievably tired and down right lazy.
I had asked numerous doctors including primary doctors my obgyn and psychiatrists if an iud could cause tiredness and not wanting to have sex and just all over bring miserable and the told me no as the hormones released in the iud are localized and won't cause these issues. At this point I really though I as going crazy and had full blown depression.
2 weeks ago I had a light bulb moment and thought what if it really is the iud. Low and behold I read tons of information on IUDs and all my symptoms were spot on. Last Monday I had it removed felt so relieved. I still am having anxiety and extreemly fatigued. My question to any ladies going though similar problems; how long after removal did you feel better again?