Bad Water fast symptoms. PLEASE HELP!
I seriously want to cry cause I'm so scared. I've been on the
Water Fast for 12 days now and I'm experiencing a sudden
Acne break out on my face which is the worse breakout I've ever had in my life and for the first time in my life I'm seeing rashes on my body.
Please can somebody tell me how long these symptoms will last?
My original plan was to stay on the cleanse until Aug 7 and go on vacation 4 days later where lots of pics would be taken but after seeing these symptoms I'm about to quit immediately. I cant look like this, I just can't. I'm so scared. I know it's pathetic to seriously cry over my detox symptoms but this has never happened before and I'm just so scared that I've messed up my skin.
Please tell me I'll look normal after a few days and not weeks or months? I can't even put on makeup anymore cause it hurts to touch my face. It hurts to move my face period. I can't take it. I should just go back to being unhealthy.