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Hit a wall and need help getting on the right path...
Kristina21 Views: 1,235
Published: 9 y

Hit a wall and need help getting on the right path...

I have used Iodine on and off for the last 3 years atleast. I started taking Iodine because I had unbearable anxiety (I become a terrible hypochondriac) just had two miscarriages and looking for total body health. Went gluten free and cleaned up diet and after a year of supplementing I felt a lot better. I went to try and conceive agian and miscarried. So it wasn't in my cards to get pregnant but did feel better. I put on 15lbs after struggling for years to put on a pound so that was great and only maybe had anxiety around menstration time. So I kept taking Iodine but was running into my thyroid swelling so I thought maybe I was good to take a break from Iodine and quit all the supplement for maybe around 6 months only taking it periodically when I felt a cold coming on because I felt great.
So, I started taking Lugols agian maybe two months ago when I started having breast pain around ovulation and my period. I would take 50mg every couple days and did the co supplements minus D3. I did not salt push that much because my skin wasn't itchy and my kidneys didn't hurt like when I first started Iodine so I thought I could leave that out of my daily regimin.
BUT fast forward to the last month and I havnt felt too great actually very similar to how I felt when I first started Iodjne. I have gotten "sick" cough, sore tonsils, ear infection, blocked ears, very emotional and high anxiety. I tried MSM and stopped Iodine for a couple weeks. I felt less anxious but went back to taking Iodine and now cough, sore throat, and easily agitated and just emotional. I'm very tired but have been on high alert everyday for a month so I'm pretty sure that's where the fatigue is coming from. I'm not pregnant and just finished my menstraul cycle so that's not why I feel crazy.
I take 600mg of Magnesium and 5000mg of Vit C before bed with MSM every day now. I like to take 50mg of Iodine every 3 days with co supplement minus D3 but only do co supplement on the days I take Iodine. I don't like taking B Complex too much because it gives me heart palpitations and kind of a stomach ache so I take it once a week.
I'm missing something or approaching the Iodine all wrong. Have I put my thyroid back into a hypo situation. I have had a lot of stress and lack of sleep.
I feel like I need a solid approach at going about pulling myself out of this because my guessing around isn't going that good.
I tend to look for a quick fix as my husband pointed out to me and really want a regime to follow that can resolve the overload of toxins, stop the insomnia, and resolve the nervousness and moodiness. Breast pain is gone though :) I am also looking into having Mercury fillings taken out. Would SSKI be something to try rather than Lugols?


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