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Re: Did my husband bring parasites home with him?
MIZMAC Views: 1,408
Published: 9 y
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Re: Did my husband bring parasites home with him?

It sounds as though you have multiple, multiple toxicities. You need to detox as much as possible. Here are my two cents worth:
Filter your water and drink as much water a day as you can stand-at least 10 glasses. Drink nothing else. Do as many saunas as you can stand.
Sweating is the classic way to detox.
Start healing your leaky gut. Do a bone broth only fast for 2-3 days and then start with cooked veggies that are easy to digest. Add in one new food per day but continue with the bone broth every day for about 21 days. Eliminate all of the common allergenic foods during the 21 days. Be sure that all food is organic. Eat nothing that is processed. You may not be able to totally cure your leaky gut until you eliminate the parasites.
Start taking diatomaceous earth (food grade only). Start with 1/2 tsp. in 8 oz per day. Work up to 1-2 tablespoons. This will start the process of eliminating the roundworms and their eggs. Take it about 20-25 days per month. Sift thru your stool with a plastic fork to see what you are passing. Put suspicious things in a jar of warm water and wash them off. Then put them on a paper plate with a coin for scale. Take a pic and post here. We can help identify them. Start taking 2 bromelain capsules between meals 2x a day. This will help eliminate the biofilm that the parasites live in.
I have a complete parasite protocol on my blog #4190. It is the very first post. Too much info to post here. You should also google Dr. Andreas Kalcker and read his parasite info.
When you feel somewhat better, buy some Reese's pinworm from the drugstore. Take as directed. Do an enema after a bowel movement and see what comes out. Sift thru and post as above.
Get tested for protozoan parasites. This may be the only test that is worthwhile. You may have picked up the giardia and other parasites from the dog. Get rid of the dog. He is a source of contamination. If you live in the south, never walk barefoot, even on the beach. Make sure that you wash all your fruits and veggies well. Do not pet animals or let them lick your face.
Parawellness labs has a good reputation on this site. Check with them on other tests. They do urine tests which is unusual.
The US gov't used depleted uranium shells in some of the recent wars. See if you can get your husband tested for radiation poisoning as well as the protazoan test.
You will have to eliminate your toxicities one by one.
Sorry you are suffering so much. If you can find a good naturopath, he/she will be of enormous help.


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