Re: Can applying too much anti-viral topical be a bad thing?
Always nice to hear success stories, but I don't understand why you would continue treating with both if you haven't had the problem for 10 months.
For a couple of reasons. First the docosanol is a drug which has some side effects, but asside from that it will continue to add the drug into your system as long as you take it. In fact it is this collective storing of drugs, and toxins that eventually cause health problems. It's not the individual taking of a drug or toxin that does the damage.
Second, how will you know if the problem is no longer a problem if you never stop treating it, even though it hasn't been a problem for 10 months? Which was it the drug, or the CS that got rid of it?
You can do what you want, I do, but it doesn't make much sense unless you are leaving out some other information.
Once my cold sore went away I stopped treating it with CS. It's been years since I have had one. I believe I eliminated the virus from wherever it was hiding in my body, but if it came back tomorrow I could always do more CS.
Anyway thanks for the feedback.