Re: Can applying too much anti-viral topical be a bad thing?
I am going to try it out and maybe lesson my docosanol lip applications slightly.
Do what you want, but in my opinion you should stop taking the docosanol.
The CS kills about 650 viruses, and bacteria. It will take care of the cold sores, and doing both may hinder the process.
If the docsanol worked, you wouldn't have had to post for advice.
Just be sure to apply the CS continually until the sore is gone, and if at another time you have another do the same. eventually you will have killed all the virus that was hiding in the tissues of the body.
It's been years since I have had one.
You can also use it instead of a flu shot. At the first hint of a cold or the flu put a dropper full in each nostril, ears, and gargle with the CS. Also a drop or two in each eye. CS will take care of eye infections also.