I have had absolutely nothing done on the side teeth. I dont know why they appear that way. The only caps i have in my mouth at the moment are two temporary caps on the two top front teeth. I had the front bottom teeth pulled in march 2016 and had general cavitaion treatment(which was unsuccessful) may 2016 where the three front bottom teeth were pulled. It seems that in the scan some teeth overlap and it shows up lighter almost as if i had something there. I have a tiny white filling, the white kind not metal, on the last remaining small front tooth I have left on on the right front. I definately should have gotten an MRI or Ct scan on the area before getting cavitation treatment. Spent a grand and no improvemnets. Surgeon definately missed wherever there is an issue because without a doubt in my mind there is one where i had the root canals. Unsure of Cavitat scan though, really expensive and out of reach even in the ny area it seems.