I never had any metal fillings or work done on any of the side teeth. The bottom front teeth which I had extracted were root canalled and then capped. I asked the dentist what that lump was on the molar and she said its just extra bone growth that i should not worry about. I do not feel specifically that i have any issues with a possible cavitation or infection other than where i actually had the root canalled teeth. I wouldnt completely dismiss that lump though. Im just really trying to get to the root of the issue. I feel I have strong reason to believe that there is a cavitation in the where i had the root canals because the day after removing them i felt astonishingly and OBVIOUSLY better. I am extremeley and chronicly lethargic. My energy was so balanced but unfortunately it went away. I feel the affected area was being exposed to oxygen and thats why i felt better. But that told me enough, that there is something physically there in that area that is making me ill that i need to target.