The snakes within
From time to time there seem to be days or seasons, when I feel like I did when I was younger playing football and got a leg cramp or acute stretch thing, where you needed to lay down and immediately stretch out the calf muscle etc. Like very hard spasms, like the leg curled all up on itself.
These sensations comes sometimes at night, but now a days it does not feel like it is my muscles, but giant ropes "snakes" that are curled from bottom foot and all trough lower leg and calf. They basically moves and tightening the grip from time to time, and I can get these sudden intense cramps and I need to wake up and stretch or else they lock in a painful way. Seems like they loosen up and relocate after a while and then I feel the same ropes is located in another part of the body.
What are you thoughts, are we still talking physical snakes, which no Rife or Herb has gotten to, or are they in the energy realm, and need to wait on polarity shift to wipe?