I had no problems taking doxy with ivermectin , albendazole , fenbendazole or moxidectin . I took doxy for 30 days first time , then rested 2 weeks , then doxy 2 weeks etc etc . I did this for 1 year, but this is how long it took for me to eliminate all my sores and rashes from stage 5 complicated disseminated hyper-infection. The 2 week on off pulse with doxy after 30 days initial dose was what worked for me , it had my Drs approval (he wrote the scripts) as meningitis and other bacterial infections were a major concern , and as a plus it does shorten the worms life and disrupts their cycle . I did buy most of my doxy from Thomas labs as it was less expensive than buying from regular pharmacy with prescription coverage. Savings were about 50 percent , and I didn't have to here from pharmacy we are out and I have to wait , or drive too far to get, ,I was too sick to worry about not having on hand which was why I chose that route.