Lugols, Liver and Alcohol - Whats the connection?
Im curious, after dabbling with
Lugols off and on for around 3 years, Ive noticed that whenever I drink (while taking Lugols), I tend to feel drunker on less alcohol. I also feel dazed and tired when im feeling tipsy, whereas I typically used to feel high spirited and enjoy the buzz wayyyyy more.
Even with only 1 or 2 drinks the next day, I feel foggy headed and pretty hungover. A mini-binge will knock me out for the whole day, so I tend to avoid those all together now.
The only time I was experiencing something similar was when i was on Terbinafine for a toenail infection. Terbinafine is known to affect your liver, and I felt really bleh whenever I had a couple drinks. It's basically the same, so I thinking my liver might be affected by
Lugols and this only seems to happen when Im regularly taking lugols.
Anyone have any insight as to how
Lugols affects your liver?