I'm a newer CureZone user so apologies for any formatting errors or any site rules I might be unaware of. I'm having absolutely zero luck with finding answers for my problem and I'm worried this could be a symptom of a larger, serious problem. Part of my problem with finding any answers is due to the difficulty in describing my problem, so ill try to do my best here.
The best I can describe this feeling is that my fingernails feel like they're hugging my fingers too tight. Looking at my fingernails, it doesn't look like there are any problems. But at certain times of the day, it is driving me crazy. I'm constantly stretching my fingers away from my nail, like pushing my fingers into the base of my palm for some small relief but it doesn't help. I know its very hard to imagine this but I don't know any other way of explaining it. It doesn't sound like a big problem either, but I assure you, it is a very real feeling, and it drives me crazy not being able to get any sort of relief.
Does anyone have any idea about what this could be? Like I said, I'm worried that this is a symptom of an underlying medical problem. If you have any questions or want me to try and describe the problem so it can be understood more clearly, please don't hesitate to ask.
Any help is greatly appreciated!