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Re: My EC spreads when dry
FreeAgentNoob Views: 1,914
Published: 9 y
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Re: My EC spreads when dry

When my EC initially began, it was only on the lower lip. I was "managing" it by constantly rubbing it off so they would appear normal and I was still licking my lips during this. When the problem persisted, I began looking my symptoms up online and found this forum.

I searched for success stories and stumbled upon the famous "leave it alone" method to which I immediately tried. Within a week, my EC spread to the upper lip out of nowhere and my lower lip was in constant pain due to the unbearable dryness. I honestly have no idea if it spreading was a coincidence, or it spread because I left them alone.

It's quite a shame that in our era of advanced technology, not even the most qualified doctors can explain or give at least a single clue about this condition.


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