My EC spreads when dry
My EC spreads if I don't let water touch it . I have again tried to not let water touch my lips for 2 weeks now and the EC again spread .2 months back I tried complete leave it alone and that time too ec had spread to the non affected part but it healed afterwards. I don't know why this is happenning. Could it be some kind of infection that spreads when lips are dry? If so what infection could it possibly be?
I took a lot of
Antibiotics in my childhood and I used to have dry lips back then. I took 3-4 courses of
Antibiotics over a period of 2 years for my acne.
Acne used to clear when I took
Antibiotic but it used to reappear after stopping
Antibiotics . So after 3-4 courses, the dermatologist prescribed me accutane and after that my
Acne cleared but I got EC. I also used to have constipation most of the time and still do.
I took probiotics and it did solve my constipation when I took them but when I stopped taking them, constipation returned. I stay depressed most of the time nowadays as I am now hopeless that it won't be cured ever. I can't remember the last time I was happy. I spend most of the time at home and never step out. I cannot make an eye contact with anyone while tlaking to them. When I look back, I realize that life was much better for 2years when I was managing EC by exfoliating every 4th day but the past 7 months have been a nightmare. I used to skip college and due to this my grades have also been affected. Life is miserable. I am now ready to give up. People of my age are enjoying their life and I am living like a hermit. People can show empathy towards other disease but not ec as no one has experienced it.
Hydrocortisone(made it worse)
Leaving it alone
Coconut oil
Avoiding sugar,white flour
Probiotics( earths pearl,capsule form)
Antifungal pill
I have tried these things and nothing has worked so far. What should I do? I have lost all hope. I know there are worse conditions people suffer but EC is not less than any of them. But the bright side of ec is that any other problems I face in life seem too small and once I am cured I will be much stronger.