Re: I am dying and literally begging for help
I find cases like this one really challenging. We're constantly trumpeting the superiority of our natural cures over those on offer from the 'standard of care', yet when it comes to the crunch for some, we seem to be lost for ideas.
I still don't believe chemo. radiation, or surgery are the answer. But where are all the genuine alternatives here?
Have you looked at the dirt cheap protocols and stage iV treatments on Cancer Tutor?
Or how to beat cancer on a shoestring budget?
The above also has a good section on essential oils, etc. There are many more resources, and if you're up to it, I can post a couple more later.
I know many people have beaten
Breast Cancer using natural cures, but I've also heard of failures. To our shame, we still don't have a 'magic bullet' cure.
Don't give up hope. As long as you breathe, there is a chance of even a late stage cure.