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Re: I am dying and literally begging for help
lordcooler Views: 5,270
Published: 9 y
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Re: I am dying and literally begging for help

This might be difficult for you because funds are short but look for a naturopath and get vitamin c IV. Do your own research for it.

Get a f***ing bank loan if you have to. The side effects from chemo are horrible and vitamin c will buffer them out of your body. Depending on the cancer vitamin c iv may even help cure it along with the cancer drugs your on.

Maybe the naturopath will accept Weekly payments.

Go here to read what type of cancer it treats

They also said high dose oral vitamin c cured cancer so you could even try that.

The main reason you get so sick from chemo is because of the massive amounts of free radicals the drugs cause. Vitamin c removes these free radicals from the body. While also killing the cancer cells.


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