Candida treatment - How to take probiotics/antifungals for Candida & for how long?
Hi folks,
I have gut dysbiosis and candida overgrowth, and I'm planning a treatment to cure this... as I've been suffering for some time now with chronic symptoms (
food allergies & sensitivities, brain fog, fatigue and moodiness).
I have purchased the following supplements:
* Kyo-Dophilus Probiotic - Kyolic brand - 1.5 billion cells per capsule - Lactobacillus Gasseri, B. Bifidum and B. Longum;
* Ideal Bowel Support - Jarrow Formulas - 10 billion cells per capsule - Lactobacillus Plantarum 299v;
* Lactobacillus - Allergy Research Group - 17 billion cells per capsule - L. Plantarum, L. Salivarius and L. Rhamnosus;
* Nystatin antifungal;
Can you folks help me, please? I really need some guidance here.
* Should I start the treatment with the probiotics first, with the antifungal first, or start with both?
* For how long usually does one have to take the probiotics and antifungals to completely heal candida overgrowth and gut dysbiosis?
* Die-off: I'm very worried about the candida die-off reaction. Should I start with a small dose of probiotics and antifungal? Is there a dosage strategy to help avoid and/or minimize die-off reactions?
* Die-off: How long does the die-off reaction usually last?
Help me, please.
Thank you