Re: Trapper. Clean out the arteries with Serrapeptase and Nattokinase
i forget who, but someone said she could not brush the plaque off her teeth right before having a heart attack
that seemed significant to me
i was having some really stubborn plaque for a while but it has softened and is now coming off since i started getting chelation
i bet there are some little suicide bomber heart dwelling critters that get really strong right before going in for the kill and they derive strength from calcium
but i tend to blame everything on parasites so what
i am also against fluoride in the water and pro fluoride in the tooth paste
just don't swallow
i have been off and on fluoride for years
every time get off i get cavities
IP6 helps, but it just slows down the decay process
fluoride prevents tooth problems for me
i just don't swallow, rinse well, and rinse over and over
otherwise i end up with a toothache
teeth and gums are very important
they are directly related to the heart
the nattokinase and serrapeptase enzymes are very helpful
i have taken them too
wish I was rich so i could stay on them