Re: CURED! - the answer was veggies.
This just prove dr robert morse fruit diet theory even more.
The modern diet is what is killing everyone because it is causing acidosis. Eating food that causes acid in the body damages it and promotes sickness.
Fruit does not feed candida never has never will.
If your gut is really messed up then yes eating fruit will make you sick. You need to flush your gut for a few days before starting the diet.
Have to take antifungal herbs like goldenseal and gymnema sylvestre
Don't be stuipd and buy 100% into someone bull shit you still have to take a muilt vitamin and mineral omega 3 fish oil just one pill. You need very litterly fat. You can't eat fat because they will cause your blood
Sugar to spike and that will feed the candida
And you have to take vitamin b100 complex and b12 and vitamin D also you need
Iodine so dry sea weed.
Besides that look up dr robert morse and stay the hell away from Western medicine it will kill you.
Also as for why eggs and sulfur makes you worse that is because fungus feeds off of sulfur that way eggs are never allowed on a candida diet and why dr robert morse says to only eat fruit and leafy greens the rest of the veggies are sulfur and feed fungus.