is you middle ear infected? I have had numerous ear nose throat infections due to a immune deficeincy. I have ongoing tinninitus have had a cholesteatoma ,a vestibular nerve infection, tympanic membrane repair, awaiting sinus op, and some bone loss due to mastoiditis as well as 75 % hearing loss in the main ear affected with all the above maladies. dont fool around if it is ongoing and causing pain or disruption in your routine. I had 3 4.5 hour long ops to repair ear drum remove ctoma and deal with mastoiditis - the ctoma is a dangerous issue and only surgery can alleviate. mine had actually grown thruout my middle ear and into my e tube causing disfunction and frequent infections. Why not opt to see a ent? get a ctscan of the area or an mri . you mention you are a musician - your hearing is your $$ . My surgeries relieved alot of pain and after the initial healing I was so much better. My damage and my ongoing issues is from infection not the surgery good luck