So I would say I manage it somewhat decent. I mean I just peel off the excess skin when it starts getting mushy and white. My EC is only really noticeable on the top lip. And I would rather have my lips look red and raw then all gunky. As far as my social life it does affect me personally but I try not to let it ruin my social life all too much. Yes I carry Chapstick around everywhere I go and apply it in private or when nobody's looking constantly. However, I am a fairly social person in college, Vice President of an organization on campus, in fraternity life, and I've had a girlfriend for the last 4 years. It's stupid how people let this control their lives. Like I get sad and this irritates me as much as the next person but it's not worth wasting days, months, or years over. I'm insecure about my lips like everyone else and it does affect my emotions sometimes but not to the point where I let it affect my every day life.