E.C and relationships
It all depends how bad your e.c is, what is your peeling cycle? In my teens when they were peeling every 3 days I kept a low profile trying to figure out what this esteem busting ailment was, but sometimes I just peeled them and went out. E.C at its worst is a passion killer no doubt about that, however I have also found that a lot of people who don't have e.c have days when their lips are dry flaky etc.. that's why the market for lip salves and moisturisers have boomed over the years etc.. no one wants to suffer with dry lips. E.C obviously is where the condition becomes a medical problem. I read on the internet of a woman who said she had e.c and put on petroleum jelly on her lips at night and in the morning exfoliated the dead skin so she was always on day 1, after 3 children and years of marriage her husband still did not know of her having the condition. Dating with e.c I think is an ethical question, I think if you have a very bad case of infection/yeast etc.. it might be wiser not to put yourself on the dating field until you feel comfortable with yourself or have found a sympathetic partner, who is willing to put up with it, or understand it. I never told anyone I had it, if by day 7 they were going to peel I later just peeled them knowing I,ve got another 6 days of ordinary living before exfoliation time reared its head. I also learnt to eat carefully to extend good skin time ( how bizaare is this ailment!) Once or twice I caught myself on a date with lips on the verge of peeling, I put almond oil on them and whilst I was very aware my partner wasn't. That is why I say it all depends how bad it is, its only O.K when you feel comfortable with yourself, and what helped me was seeing that a lot of normal people also suffer with some degree of lip dryness etc.