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Re: I'm suffering from chemical poisoning, need someone who can think outside the box
NathanielKnows Views: 2,486
Published: 9 y
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Re: I'm suffering from chemical poisoning, need someone who can think outside the box

A little more to add to this story. I've worked construction for ten years. Mostly remodeling and during this time I've removed enough drywall with black mold to fill ten dumpsters. I've built cabinets and worked in a screen printing shop making signs and t-shirts. Basically I've been exposed to more volatile chemicals than most, including laquour, varnish, paints, solvents, etc. One year ago I was healthy. I could grab two bundles of shingles (160 pounds) and run up a steep roof and stock them, and return to the edge for more, often lapping past most other grown men. I'm six feet tall 175 pounds and normally could run half a mile or more before tiring out. Not the greatest of health but I had strength and endurance. Lately, I'm sleeping 14 hours and still tired when I get up. The last time I tried to run, I could run a few hundred yards, and had to break for a moment. After several sprints like that, I was to worn out to go on and laid down flat on the floor gasping for air. It took over thirty minutes for my heart rate to calm down.

Other symptoms I have experienced at first were extreme sweating and drooling. My armpits felt like I had scrubbed them with sand and one time I blew my nose christalized type stuff came out. Looked like glitter.

I watched a show called prisoners handbook. There was a 12 year old boy who poisoned his own family and killed his mom. He took detailed notes, noting how much poison it took to make her throw up. Something is jus wrong in some peoples brains to think this way.
Anyway I gave the history of past exposure to occupational chemicals because it could be related somehow. I know the standard approach or advice would be to turn this person in but I can't and won't for fear of more problems. I don't know what I'm posting for but was hoping someone could help by possibly identifying what this person might have used on me. It seems the substance won't be found durrring my lifetime, at that point it will be to late. If you do, however have any ideas please throw them out there, I've been researching for ten months and can't figure it out.

Thanks a million for any responses or opinions.


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