Re: HM test
Are you only taking ALA right now?
If so, that could be your problem. With my own body, I found the following:
ALA (I used R-ALA) gets deeper, closer to the nerves and lympth system. Clears them really well, of metals. However, some of this stuff is simply lifted out from the depths. Not necessarily shuttled out from the body.
I found that taking DMSA at the same time, was synergistic. and helped to get everything out more smoothly, with less resettling side effects.
And actually, I think it is good to start with only DMSA for a month or so and then do ALA/R-ALA, at the same time.
and if you get too many resettling side effects, do only DMSA for a round or two. or lower the dose and tried to make your round longer. Sometimes it would take me two or three rounds, to really "clear" a specific part of my body, which was feeling bad. It all takes time!
However, everyone's body is different. take it slow and pay close attention. I had such good results with DMSA and R-ALA, I've never tried DMPS.