" Also at times I still get incoherent thinking and writing when on round if you haven't noticed."
Ever try glutamine and pregnenolone along with multi B?
If the blushing is after drinking wine, your high Mo might suggest that you are deficient. Apparently Amy Y thinks that could be the case by her comment.
DMPS and LA are both good for As.
Your reaction to taking chelators suggests that Hg is involved to some extent.
Seems that it is worth continuing, especially since you've gotten early gains. It will be interesting to see a followup test after 1 or 1.25 yrs of detox.
Remember Cutler warns that with Hg it is common to get a few months of gains and then several months of a stall or even a give-back of some of the early gains before improvement resumes--cf p 52 of his AI book.