You will get better if you dont stop cleansing (parasites, liver, body intestines altogether). It might take months if not years, depending on how many species you have and how bad the infection is. Amoeba infection can be quite aggressive but usually all infections are triggered to get worse by another one. Then your immune system becomes weak and it is a fast way downhill. you have to be strictly cleansing and medicatiing for quite a while. Whoever says you are cleared up in such a short time with a few pills obviously knows nothing. Avoid these people.
Sure you can make it but try many different things and do them simultaneously. Dont give up.
By the way, according to many many anti parasitic med users here on the forum the meds on their own are not toxic and have no side effects. If you feel so bad after taking them it means your infection is bad. Once you are cleared up you will get no reactions anymore.