Well, do you want to get better or not? Trust me, the pharmaceutical cartel has made a whole industry out of targeted parasites and their diseases.
So of course they want you to take drugs that won't kill their prize parasites and just 'manage' and 'manage' (sell you more different drugs) your symptoms. Of course if you switch to 'natural, that's not quite as good, but they own that part of the industry, so while they prefer you on drugs (way higher profit margins), they are fine with you switching to 'natural' methods.
Every single 'disease' Dr. Clark tested had a parasite and a toxin. Except high blood pressure--every single other one of their huge money makers. Is that a coincidence?? The real answer is totally outside their contrived box.
You've been going to 'doctors' how many YEARS, wasting your time and a lot of money and they still can't figure it out?? Really?? That's AA's definition of insanity---doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. For pity sake---DO something different.
The cartel and their minion doctors will NEVER heal you. Who will pay for their Tahitian vaca home otherwise, eh??
Wise up. the cartel is evil and run by evil greedy, murderous thugs; they are NOT your friends. Your answer IS PARASITES. Get rid of 'em and finally get well. You may have to kill some of the parasite's infections too, who've spread from where the parasite have gnawed, making a wound for them to infect.