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joints and skin show allergens are making them unhealthy
DesertLili Views: 2,067
Published: 8 y
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joints and skin show allergens are making them unhealthy

I'd bet you probably have toxicity and allergens (like gluten) in the colon with the stuck in material. It takes a raw vegan diet with no gluten to clean the colon - and it takes months to do it. Alternatively, it can take a series of hydrotherapy of the colon while also being on a raw diet. Having bowel mvts doesn't mean your colon had cleaned up.
It takes 3 months at least being gluten free to get relief (joint, skin, etc -wise), and much longer to allow the body to take out, eat and destroy all antigenes from gluten/other toxins (as from meat and animal products) to be eliminated from cell membranes and cytoplasm.
Fasting is a good beginning.
I have the unfortunate sensation you'll have Psoriasis and joint issues, as long as you have meat, dairy, gluten plus at least 3 months more after stopping all of these.


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