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Re: What route should the body be cleansed of Candida, Lyme, Parasites, and then general illness?
neonknight77 Views: 2,031
Published: 9 y
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Re: What route should the body be cleansed of Candida, Lyme, Parasites, and then general illness?

Did a quick test run for a week on each of the main criterion's and saw good results.

Mainly did it to have a clear picture of what will work, what won't, and what to need on hand in case problems arise.

Most say that these bugs can become immune to drugs after a while, that is why it is vital to pound them from every angle. Lyme, specifically Borrelia is camouflaged by parasites depending on the infection, so it is best to clear parasites for about 2-3 weeks and at the same time begin low doses of any anti-Lyme protocols and as you end one, begin the other. Maintence dosage should be continued for parasites while Lyme should be gong up.

I do think that most people have become infected with Lyme, as it is the only plausible way to allow parasites and gut bacteria to spiral out of control. Thus compromising immune system.

I am studying pharmacy and am in no way qualified to give out medical advice but I do believe that healing the mind will heal the body and vice versa.

Lyme is a much more common illness to produce neurotic and psychotic symptoms thus allowing the immune system to become in "sleep mode" as everything grows out of control.

It seems as if going for blood-work and running tests on any symptom that these disease compromise is somehow halted, meaning tests will show good results most of the time although you are actually sick.

The reasons? Quorom sensing, I cannot think of any other ideas. It might just be a bi-product from all the waste that my body has not yet detoxed but this is critical in absolving of one's illness and the continuance of going to church.

Help yourself, then you may be able to help everyone else.

PM me if you want to get together on a plan or have any questions.


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