9 y
Bullying and choosing a doctor
There are anti bullying campaigns happening all over the schools in the USA. It's a shame that campaign doesn't include adults.
As for your primary physician, switch doctors. If your insurance is an HMO, PPO, or something similar where you're required to see your primary physician to get referrals to specialists, CHANGE YOUR PRIMARY PHYSICIAN. You're allowed to do that whenever you want. Just make sure to contact your insurance company and tell them what primary physician you'd like.
How do you switch primary doctors? Look at your insurance's physician list and see which are available (an up-to-date one is usually online). Next, look online to see the reviews on the doctors, ask friends, and family members who they see.
Also, you aren't required to see a specialist your doctor chooses. YOU can pick whomever you'd like. Make sure he's on the preferred specialist with your insurance, and tell your primary physician you'd like a referral to that specialist. Do your research on the specialists as well before picking one.
Good bedside manner and a doctor who will listen are vital.
I've switched specialists after the first consult because they have no bedside manner and don't listen.