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Day 23 finished - 1 week left
legolas Views: 544
Published: 9 y

Day 23 finished - 1 week left

I'm quite skinny already (reaching the bone+skin version) with minimal fat left. Fortunately my daily energy expenditure and utilisation is optimal. I'm going to spend a lot of time in bed and perhaps have occasional walk. Since I'm fasting alone unsupervised I keep some pasteurised cold pressed green juice and canned vegetable soup for possible emergency.

Zero hunger and some stomach acidity with nausea especially if I think of food. I'm just wondering whether this could be the result of feeling the smell of my neighbour's spicy-fatty food when she is cooking in the evening because my symptoms appear at the same time. During the day there are no problems.

I can't think of any food that wouldn't start my reflexes to vomit, if it goes on this way I will have problems breaking the fast even after 30 days.


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