I need your help . I've read all your posts and You said that you are cured by doing the japanese method but recently you said that you started taking earths pearl probiotics and it made you feel better . how were your lips before taking the probiotics since you said you have already cured your ec . I just want to know this as I want to know what exactly ec is. If you cured your ec by just leaving it alone method then I can try to heal it externally by cleaning them and leaving it alone. But if it is related to internal factors then leaving it alone will only make the lips worse .
Do you use any lip balm or moisturizer?
Do they turn white when in contact with water?
Do you still clean your lips with soap or anything else?
I just have white tongue and no other candida symptoms and I think my tongue was white even before ec. I have avoided Sugar for a month now and I don't see any improvement but I guess it will take more time to see any improvement.