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Re: Itching, crawling, twitching remedy aside from Fenben, Iver?
Flossy Views: 924
Published: 9 y
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Re: Itching, crawling, twitching remedy aside from Fenben, Iver?

If Iver and Fenben are not working for you, it may be that these are not the ones that will work against your parasites.

I personally had no results with either of these.

Twice before I have thought I was cured, until eggs started hatching again.

Once with Moxidectin alone.

Once with Albendazole alone.

Since then I have discovered DEC and did three short courses of it which caused nausea and diarrhoea needing anti nausea pills.

Now I feel with either all 3 or moxi and DEC or Albend and DEC there will be no eggs to hatch when all the adults are dead.

Get Benadryl Original for nausea and itching. But if the itching is associated with crawling, they are being annoyed not killed and it maybe time to change your meds to the above ones.

Remember to keep anti nausea meds on hand as you don't want to shortchange yourself on you regime due to die-off nausea. Any diarrhoea from the DEC will dissipate. Take a break if you get it and then start again.


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